
I hope your experience is enjoyable and productive.  To derive maximum benefits from Pilates in a safe manner, please submit a completed detailed client profile and client waivers (found on the "Forms" page) prior to your first group class or private session.  Pilates Progressions, LLC is not a medical facility and Pilates as offered here is not intended as therapy.  

Pilates is a form of exercise and you should be aware of and heed your own physical and health-related limitations.  As with any exercise program, please check with your physician/physical therapist prior to beginning your sessions to determine if there are any movements he/she wants you to avoid, or modifications they want you to make.  Pilates involves stretching, pushing and pulling motions, twisting, side bending, and back extension using your body weight and studio equipment.  If you have any recent surgeries, injuries, pregnancy, or other health conditions, you should refrain from practicing Pilates until you check with your physician.  I am not qualified to determine your physical health/personal limitations and you should not interpret my information or exercise instructions as medical advice.   Pilates exercises should be challenging, but should never cause pain.  If you experience pain (or suspect any exercise demonstrated might aggravate an existing injury) during a class, STOP, and skip that exercise for now.  

For your complete safety and the safety of other clients, please have no open, exposed lesions on your body. Please wear comfortable workout attire that allows for freedom of movement; including clean, bare feet or grippy socks. For private sessions, no zippers, snaps or rivets are allowed on clothing, to prevent damage of the equipment upholstery.  For the comfort of all clients, both in group classes, and those in the studio, please refrain from the use of fragrances prior to training. 

Performing a proper warmup is vital to preventing injury when practicing Pilates.  The beginning of any group class is dedicated to warmup exercises to prepare your spine to move during the rest of the class.  If you arrive late to a group class, it is essential that you do a warmup on your own before jumping in with the rest of the class; skipping the warmup can leave even the strongest mover more vulnerable to injury.  Participants provide their own mats for the Community Center group classes.

Pre-paid sessions must be canceled at least 24 hrs in advance of your appointment to be refunded, UNLESS you are sick/contagious or have an injury that prevents any exercise...in that case, you are welcome to reschedule at ANY time before your appointment time.  If you arrive late to a prepaid session, I can give you the remainder of your scheduled session time.